Release Notes ============= **13th April 2015** * Reorganized UCS by adding a Curated and Community Store. * Added Bottom Edge Tabs component **23rd March 2015** * Added haptic feedback to radial action buttons * Added drop shadow to radial bottom edge hint **13th March 2015** * Improved ListItemWithActions components by adding the following new properties, * showDivider - mimics SDK ListItem property * showUnderscore - Shows an underscore under the active right side action * enableHaptics - enables haptic effects on actions triggered **11th March 2015** * Added expandAngle property to radial bottom edge component to allow developers to specify the spread angle. **3rd March 2015** * Added WelcomeWizard component * Fixed a typo in listitemwithactions documentation **23rd February 2015** * ListItemWithActions: Reset active action after executing it. * ListItemWithActions has been fixed to use actions's iconSource property to allow using icons that are not in the theme **4th January 2015** * Add ubuntu_component_store.json metadata files for curated components **15th November 2014** * Added radial bottom edge component **12th November 2014** * Fixed typos in the installation guide * Added ListItemWithActions component **9th November 2014** * Fixed build warnings in CircleImage and PageWithBottomEdge documentation * Added release notes to the documentation * Released ucs 0.1.2 * Improved intall and update command to use less network bandwidth * Fixed typos in the help command **8th November 2014** * Added Fastscroll Component * Packaged ucs 0.1.1 and released to trusty, utopic and vivid using a PPA * Improved index.rst and fixed typos **6th November 2014** * Added PageWithBottomEdge component * Added iconColor property to EmptyState component * Added images to EmptyState and CircleImage to make it more descriptive for users **4th November 2014** * First release of Ubuntu Component Store * Added UCS Gallery * Added EmptyState and CircleImage components