Fast Scroll

Author Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
License BSD License
Framework ubuntu-sdk-14.10

This widget provides a quick way to navigate long list views by providing a fast scroll. Example use cases are scrolling through an address book with a long list of contacts. It shows all the characters from A-Z but only the ones shown in the listview are differentiated with a bold font. The currently selected section is highlighted with a black rectangle. As the user scrolls the listview, the selected section rectangle also scrolls automatically with an animation.


At the moment, fast scroll only accepts listviews to be ordered alphabets and does not work well with special characters.


Page {
    id: fastscrollpage

    ListModel {
        id: testModel
        ListElement { title: "Alan Pope" }
        ListElement { title: "Aditya Urs" }
        ListElement { title: "Akiva Shammai Avraham" }
        ListElement { title: "Andrew Hayzen" }
        ListElement { title: "Carla Sella" }
        ListElement { title: "Daniel Holm" }
        ListElement { title: "Daniel Holbhach" }
        ListElement { title: "David Planella" }
        ListElement { title: "Lento Manickathan" }
        ListElement { title: "Leo Arias" }
        ListElement { title: "Michael Hall" }
        ListElement { title: "Michael Zanetti" }
        ListElement { title: "Mihir Soni" }
        ListElement { title: "Michael Spencer" }
        ListElement { title: "Nicholas Skaggs" }
        ListElement { title: "Nekhelesh Ramanthan" }
        ListElement { title: "Oliver Gravert" }
        ListElement { title: "Jenkins" }
        ListElement { title: "Kunal Parmar" }
        ListElement { title: "Riccardo Padovani" }
        ListElement { title: "Robert Schroll" }
        ListElement { title: "Victor Thompson" }

    ListView {
        id: nameListView
        anchors.fill: parent
        anchors.rightMargin: fastScroll.showing ? fastScroll.width -
                                                : 0
        clip: true
        currentIndex: -1
        model: testModel

        function getSectionText(index) {
            return testModel.get(index).title.substring(0,1)

        delegate: ListItem.Standard {
            text: title

    FastScroll {
        id: fastScroll
        listView: nameListView
        anchors {
            bottom: nameListView.bottom
            right: parent.right


Property Documentation


The listview which requires the fastscroll component

showing (readonly)

Readonly property to return the visiblity status of the fast scroll component. The fast scroll is automatically hidden after few seconds. This property will help with defining behaviour based on the visiblity of the component.


This property can be used to enable/disable the fastscroll. For instance when the listview has too few elements, it might be better to disable the fastscroll.

Here is a code sample that disables the fastscroll when the listview has too few elements,

enabled: (listview.contentHeight > (listview.height * 2)) && (listview.height >= minimumHeight)

Method Documentation

function getSectionText(index)

This function returns the available section headers of a listview to the fast scroll and is required for the fastscroll to know which indexes to highlight. See the example above to get a better idea of how to use this.